Human Trafficking: What You Need To Know – Focus on the Family Best of 2015
On January 19 and 20, Shared Hope International will return to Focus on the Family radio network. Our 2-part series, Human Trafficking: What You Need to Know, was selected for the Best of 2015 lineup, airing this month. We invite you to tune in, and invite everyone you know to tune in as well.
Recently, Focus on the Family sent us this note from one parent who
happened to tune in at just the right time. What happened next will bring you to tears.
“When I heard your broadcast on human trafficking, my heart broke. My daughter, who was 13 years old at the time, was experiencing all the signs that the guest described, and I was truly worried. I decided to search my daughter’s room and much to my alarm, I found stripper clothing and wads of money. When I discovered these things, I knew that it was no accident that I just ‘happened’ to be driving and I clicked on the radio at the exact time of your radio program. I knew that God had specifically provided for me. My father’s heart was pierced, and I called and spoke to one of the [Focus on the Family] counselors, who helped me contact help and place my daughter into a residential treatment center. Thank you for airing this broadcast because through it you have saved the life of a precious child from the chains of slavery.”
Please join us and invite everyone you know. You don’t know the impact it will make and the lives it might save. Join us January 19 and 20. Find a station in your area or listen online.
Four Ways to Give to Shared Hope International
In this season of Christmas cheer, spread a little love to Shared Hope to help us fight trafficking all year through. Here are four simple ways to donate to Shared Hope (and some won’t cost you a dime)!
1. Shop on
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2. Shop our Store!
Visit to purchase books, movies, training resources and apparel! Consider gifting Renting Lacy to your sister and her daughter so they can read the book together and discuss the dangers of trafficking. Team up with a few parents from your child’s class to purchase the teacher a copy of Chosen, a youth sex trafficking prevention video and resource, which makes talking about trafficking easier! Proceeds from the store helps fund our prevention, restoration and justice work all year long!
3. Purchase a Brick!
Help us build the Path to Freedom at Shared Hope’s restoration home, Terry’s House, by donating $250 for an engraved paver stone with your name on it! Engrave the name of a loved one for an extra special Christmas present this year and give the gift of love and encouragement to women at Terry’s House for years to come!
4. Put Shared Hope on Your Christmas List!
Every dollar donated to Shared Hope will be matched dollar for dollar until December 31! Your friends and family can donate in your name by selecting “Dedicate my gift to” and entering your name in the box “This gift is in honor/memory of:”. It’s an easy way to make their donation go twice as far and help support a great cause. They can donate online at
Huffington Post: US States Are Getting Better At Combating Child Sex Trafficking
By: Eleanor Goldberg, The Huffington Post
View the original article on Huffington Post.
A number of states are cracking down on these crimes by better protecting victims, instead of criminalizing them.
It remains a crime largely hidden from public view, but U.S. states are at least starting to take a more forthcoming approach to combating child sex trafficking.
When Shared Hope, a nonprofit that fights sex trafficking, released its first assessment of the nation’s response to its youngest victims in 2011, 26 states received failing grades.
This year, no states failed and half the nation earned an A or B on their report card.
But while figures are still concerning, with more than 100,000 children being exploited into sex trafficking every year, a number of states are cracking down on these crimes by better protecting victims, instead of criminalizing them, and closing up loopholes that enabled offenders to avoid jail time.
These 10 states scored the best for their efforts in combating child sex trafficking.
No. 10 Florida, 86.5
In an effort to better protect exploited minors, Google, the Human Rights Project for Girls (Rights4Girls) and the McCain Institute launched the “No Such Thing” campaign last January to urge authorities to stop criminalizing children who are victims of sex trafficking. Since by federal law anyone under 18 who performs a commercial sex act in exchange for compensation is a victim of trafficking, they shouldn’t, by definition, be able to be charged as prostitutes.
In Florida, sexually exploited minors are deemed victims of sex trafficking. and the law notes that “a minor is unable to consent to such behavior.”
No. 9 Oklahoma, 87
Oklahoma climbed from a “C” to a “B” grade and is working to go after all parties involved in child sex trafficking.
Assisting, enabling or benefiting financially from the crime are included as criminal offenses in the state sex trafficking statute.
No. 8 Illinois, 87
Illinois has also ramped up its efforts in protecting exploited children by deeming them“immune” from being prosecuted for prostitution. After an officer identifies a child victim, he’s then expected to connect with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services State Central Register, which is responsible for launching an initial investigation into child abuse or child neglect within 24 hours.
No. 7 Iowa, 87.5
A major flaw in the justice system is that the buyers who demand sex from minors often remain nameless and faceless and aren’t arrested at all.
Iowa is working to combat that issue by classifying anyone who solicits sexual services from a minor as guilty of a class “C” felony. A first conviction is punishable by imprisonment up to 10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.
No. 6 Minnesota, 90
Often, the law allows traffickers and buyers to claim consent as a defense, shifting the blame to the child trafficking victim. Minnesota has gone so far as to declare that when it comes to prostitution or sex trafficking, “consent or age of the victim is not a defense.”
No. 5 Texas, 90.5
Texas is now coming down particularly hard on people who knowingly or unknowingly solicit sex from children.
Engaging in prostitution is treated as a felony of the second degree if the person solicited is younger than 18 years of age, regardless of whether the offender knew the victim’s age at the time the crime was committed.
The charge carries a sentence of five to 99 years and a fine of up to $100,000.
No. 4 Montana, 90.5
The stringency of Montana’s child sex trafficking laws enabled the state to jump from a “D” to “A” this year.
Montana doesn’t allow offenders to claim they believed the child was an adult as a defense. The punishment carries imprisonment for a term of 100 years, a fine of up to $50,000 and requires offenders to complete a sexual offender treatment program.
No. 3 Washington, 92
Traffickers see the Internet as an optimal resource for identifying and luring in victims, since it’s challenging for authorities to monitor it.
But in Washington, if a person so much as communicates with a minor, or someone he believes to be a minor, for “immoral purposes,” which includes the purchase or sale of commercial sex acts through electronic communications, that qualifies as a class C felony. Such communication includes email and text messaging.
No. 2 Tennessee, 93.5
In Tennessee, soliciting sex from a minor is punishable as “trafficking for commercial sex acts”and comes with either a Class A or B felony charge. A Class A felony carries imprisonment from 15 to 60 years and a fine of up to $50,000. A Class B felony is punishable by imprisonment for eight to 30 years and a possible fine of up to $25,000.
Offenders who attempt to solicit minors over the Internet would constitute violating a number of offenses, including rape of a child, trafficking for commercial sex acts and aggravated sexual battery.
No. 1 Louisiana, 99.5
Commercial sexual exploitation of children laws make specific types of exploitation of a minor a criminal act.
A number of states, including Louisiana, employ CSEC laws when it comes to child sex trafficking cases, which is a “better” method of identifying victims and addressing these offenses, according to Shared Hope.
An offender in Louisiana who exploits a minor under 18 faces imprisonment at “hard labor” of 15 to 50 years and a fine of up to $50,000. If the victim is younger than 14, the sentence is between 25 and 50 years and carries up to a $75,000 fine.
AP: Feds nab sex traffickers in SD: ‘catching awful lot of them’
By: Sharon Cohen, Associated Press
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. — It was an anonymous two-story house with an outdoor side staircase, nothing that looked ominous to Kevin Koliner when he passed by going to and from work. On one evening stroll, the federal prosecutor heard loud noises but figured it was just a party. Later, he’d discover the ugly truth.
In a squalid second-floor apartment, just blocks from the U.S. attorney’s office, Mohammed Sharif Alaboudi ran a violent sex trafficking ring, preying on young, troubled women. He plied them with drugs and alcohol, gave them clothes and a place to stay, and forced them to engage in sex acts with strangers. Prosecutors dubbed his place a “house of horrors.”

The case of Alaboudi, now serving four life terms, offers a glimpse into how the feds are waging an aggressive campaign to root out the illegal sex trade lurking in what might seem an unlikely locale: the quiet prairies and sleepy hamlets of South Dakota.
“We’re just a friendly state and I think traffickers see this as a trusting place and think, ‘They’re never going to catch me. They’re not so bright,’” says Jenise Pischel, program coordinator at Our Home Inc., a private non-profit that has helped trafficked girls., including a 14-year-old in the Alaboudi case. “Well, we seem to be catching an awful lot of them.”
In recent years, the feds have pursued about 50 sex trafficking cases, winning dozens of convictions, three resulting in life sentences. Bolstered by state and local authorities, they’re also getting support from a diverse network that includes Native Americans, motel owners, church groups and the Junior League.
The cases have ranged from predator stings at the last three Sturgis motorcycle rallies to busts of lucrative businesses that have transported girls as young as 14 to Minneapolis, Fargo, Sioux City, and other cities around the Midwest. Police also have detected a circuit some traffickers travel that includes parts of the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota.
Most traffickers who’ve operated in South Dakota have been transplants with criminal records; two serving life were reputed Chicago street gang members. Customers — or those caught in stings — have ranged from a Texas air traffic controller nabbed at Sturgis after answering a bogus online ad offering sex with a 12-year-old (his sentence: 15 years) to a Lamborghini-driving local doctor who prescribed illegal Oxycodone to a trafficker (his punishment: 22 months).
While trafficking exists across the nation, there is something distinctive about South Dakota: About half the women in the federal cases have been Native American, a particularly vulnerable population in this state where some of the nation’s most impoverished communities are on reservations.
“You’ve got a number of perfect-storm factors,” says Sarah Deer, a law professor at William Mitchell College in Minnesota and an expert on domestic violence in Native American communities. “You’ve got poverty, you have high, high rates of sexual abuse, which is often a precursor to prostitution and you have just a sense of desperation on the reservation in terms of day-to-day life.”
Native American women with drug or alcohol problems are especially susceptible, Deer adds. “That’s leveraged against them,” she says. “It’s, ‘Come to Sioux Falls. Come to Rapid City. I’ll make sure that you get the crack that you need. All you have to do is do some favors.’”
Trafficking is “not a new crime,” she says, but the growing prosecutions reflect “a new recognition.”
And yet it’s barely visible because it’s conducted largely through online ads. “It’s like turning over that rock and finding that thing you didn’t know about,” says Sioux Falls Police Lt. Dave McIntire.
Law enforcement has tried to draw attention to it, leading workshops, for instance, for hotel and motel workers to alert them to warning signs. Federal prosecutors have made more than 100 presentations to various group and conducted training for tribal law enforcement on all nine reservations in the state on how to identify trafficking.
The Junior League has spoken about trafficking at schools, PTOs and 4-H clubs, financed billboards and prepared TV public service ads.
“We didn’t know it was right here in our own backyard,” says Harriet Yocum, president of the Sioux Falls chapter of the women’s group. “We became passionate about this and we wanted to do something.”
The combined efforts help dispel any notion that South Dakota, with its low-crime rate and pastoral image, is immune from this problem. “We can no longer say this is rural, safe South Dakota,” Pischel says. “It’s happening in the quietest of places across our nation, not just here.”
Police and prosecutors say South Dakota’s very remoteness, its pockets of poverty and its highway system make it appealing to traffickers.
Some have migrated here “to be a bigger fish in a smaller pond,” says Brendan Johnson, former U.S attorney. “They found less competition than they would have in a larger community. They probably had wrongly conceived notions that they could outsmart law enforcement and they could get away with this.”
It was Johnson, now in private practice, who began emphasizing the issue, partly because he’d pursued many cases of violence against Native American women while a state prosecutor. When he realized sex trafficking was a significant problem, he says, he decided it was worthy of federal resources, knowing convictions would bring longer sentences than in state court. The federal mandatory minimum generally is 10 to 15 years.
Not everyone was enthusiastic. One prosecutor, he says, told him: “‘You’re acting like a vice cop. This is not something that you should be doing.’… I disagree. When you’ve got a really bad guy, he should be put away for a really long time, and sometimes the federal courts are the best avenue to do that.”
To win a conviction, prosecutors need only show a minor was involved or there was force, fraud or coercion.
One of the first major cases started with a tip from a suspicious mother. Her daughter had revealed her friends were involved in a sex ring, a story that seemed so outlandish that her mother drove to the house where it was supposedly happening to conduct her own surveillance. Authorities were soon investigating.
The eventual result was the arrest of Brandon Thompson, described by the feds as a former Chicago gang leader who lured many recruits by hanging out at a gas station next to a local alternative high school. He controlled about 20 young women, advertising them online.
Thompson was sentenced in 2011 to life in prison after pleading guilty to sex trafficking and solicitation to murder a federal witness. He’d attempted to recruit a cellmate to murder two teenage girls who were part of the ring, Koliner says.
Thompson’s approach, he adds, was typical for traffickers: Seek out troubled young women, many from broken homes and with histories of drug and alcohol abuse. Lavish them with gifts and attention, act as boyfriend or manager, promise them a way to earn a lot of money.
“I can tell you right now all these sorts of ploys that these men use wouldn’t be effective on 99 percent of women I know,” Koliner says. “These guys might be bad at a lot of things in life, but they are excellent at finding that girl in a crowd, spotting the Little Red Riding Hood.”
Rosanna Schoneman, an advocate at My Sister’s Place, a Sioux Falls shelter for trafficked women, says the men “play with your mind. They make you think you’re helping them. They say, ‘I love you. I’m your boyfriend. It’s (the money from prostitution) going to pay for us to have somewhere nice to live.’”
The most notorious case involved Alaboudi, whose sentence was upheld this spring by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. At his trial, four young women told graphic stories of how he prostituted and sexually abused them and threatened and physically assaulted them if they resisted.
All had chaotic childhoods. One, identified as SJ, then 14, was on her own because her mother worked long hours to pay the medical bills of her husband, who sustained brain damage from a bar fight. At sentencing, the girl described her descent.
“Did I want to prostitute my body away to strange men?” she said. “No. I wanted to be loved by someone. I wanted a male in my life to show me care ….This is how I thought I had to do it.”
It’s been a long recovery for her.
“Today I ask myself, do I regret everything that happened? No,” she said, “because I am stronger…. I can help save others going through the same victimization. I can tell them and show them that through any darkness … we will find happiness.”
A 15-year-old runaway, a Native American identified as JW, testified that her time at Alaboudi’s house “was tearing me from the inside out. … It will take a while for me to heal from this traumatic experience, but I know I am worth the time and effort. I know with the help of everybody and God, I will heal.”
Prosecutors also have focused on smaller cases and were among the first in the nation to use federal laws to pursue attempted traffickers who “shop” online, answering phony ads placed by undercover officers that offer adolescent girls. In the last 2½ years, state, local and federal law enforcement agents have arrested about 30 people in stings, roughly a third of them at Sturgis rallies, according to Attorney General Marty Jackley.
Shared Hope International, a faith-based anti-trafficking group, honored Johnson last year, but recently gave South Dakota state laws a poor grade on a national report card, saying they don’t go far enough to protect minors.
Jackley says he supports measures to better protect juveniles and other victims, but also notes that prosecutors can use statutes such as kidnapping in the most extreme cases.
The spotlight on trafficking extends beyond prosecution.
A former motel being converted into a 14-bed shelter for trafficked women will soon open in the south-central part of the state. Pathfinder Center will be run by Wiconi Wawokiya, a non-profit on the Crow Creek reservation that helps abused children and victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
Lisa Heth, the group’s executive director, says even though the public knows more about trafficking, there’s still resistance to having victims as neighbors. “They don’t like it,” she says. “They say, ‘Oh, my God, they’re going to bring in prostitutes. Our crime rate is going to go up.’ But it’s right there in these small towns and they don’t want to see it.”
Heth says the women will receive therapy and remain at the shelter up to six months “We’re looking to undo the brainwashing and some of the lies that have been put in their heads,” she says. “Our mission is to help them find their purpose in life.”
Pischel says getting trafficked teens back on track is a slow process with frequent setbacks.
“It’s not a sprint, but a marathon,” she says. The girls can stay for 18 months or more, but even that may not be enough because “they have emotional baggage, a lack of self-worth and sometimes, just lack the gumption to change.”
SJ, the 14-year-old in the Alaboudi case, made much progress in her 1½ years there, Pischel says. “She found a sense of belonging … there was promise,” she adds. But when the young woman, now 18, stopped by recently, she was pregnant.
“I wish I could say she was better,” Pischel says. “I worry about where that child will grow up, how that child will grow up. I know (SJ) has got the skills. I can only pray that she falls back on them.”
Koliner, the prosecutor, says that news “breaks all our hearts. We had really high hopes for her.”
But it’s not surprising. He’s encountered other young women who, after their trafficker is arrested, end up in another operation.
Still, the prosecutions have made a dent, he says, noting that recent victims and witnesses have talked about how easy it is to get caught and the stiff sentences being imposed.
“We’re sending the message to the men who are doing this: ‘Don’t come to our state. Drive on. If you want to do this, drive on.’”
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