For those of you that don’t know, my name is Ethan Morrow, and since September I’ve been the Defenders Intern here at Shared Hope. I’ve been helping out with various things, running the Defenders Social media, and writing blog/vlog content.
As life often does, my life is moving in ways I can’t explain, and I’m feeling called to do other things now. That being said, this will be my last Defenders blog post for a while here at the Defenders’ office. I’m very sad that I have to leave, but I’ve learned a lot during my time serving here.
My time here has been filled with joys, sorrows, trials, and definitely some tears. It’s been so inspiring for me to see thousands of people gather together to make a difference and end the demand for human trafficking. My time here has shown me the beautiful power that exists in this world. Together, we can accomplish so much.
If I wanted to leave the Defenders with one message to all men out there, I would say this: brutality and evil doesn’t just cease to exist. Shared Hope is going to continue to work to create laws that end human trafficking, and we will continue to provide restoration and care for the victims of this brutal industry — and that is a beautiful thing. But, in my opinion, what a lot of guys fail to understand is the fact that we live in a supply-and-demand culture. If we, as men, do not change our lives and end the demand for commercial sex, someone will continue to provide the product.
Through laws that we pass, the number of women and children trafficked may decrease drastically, but if there is still a demand, there will still be a product. Over 100,000 children are sexually trafficked and exploited every year, and it is up to us to stop it. With our commitment and dedication, a brutal $9.8 billion/year U.S. business will cease to exist.
I’ve seen amazing things happen in my time here at Shared Hope, so I know that we as men can do this. Please, take your pledge seriously. Hold your friends accountable. Start an accountability group. Find a way to make your life a life that ends the demand for human trafficking. Men, we can save lives. Actually, I should say that men, we will save lives.
It’s been a pleasure working with the Defenders, and I look forward to working here again in the future. Men, together we can end demand. I’ll end my final blog post in the same way I ended my first blog post.
Let’s be heroes—let’s be Defenders.