Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by employees? Enter your company name below to find out if your company has a matching gift program and see specific guidelines and request instructions.

For twenty-two years, Shared Hope International has led the movement with a comprehensive plan to prevent the conditions that foster sex trafficking, restore victims of sex slavery, and bring justice to vulnerable adults, children, and youth.
We envision a world passionately opposed to sex trafficking and a community committed to restoring survivors to lives of purpose, value and choice – one life at a time.
It starts with you. You double Shared Hope’s impact by taking advantage of employee giving programs, the tax-deductible component of your membership, or the volunteer grants that many corporations offer their employees.
That’s double the prevention education, double the push for policy and culture change through legislative policy, and double the strategic support of restoration services across the U.S. and in India, Nepal and Jamaica – all with one easy extra step.
Thanks for checking to see if your company offers these programs!