An Inventory and Evaluation of the Current Shelter and Services Response to Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
1:00-2:30pm, Monday, July 8, 2013
United States Capitol Visitor Center, HVC-200

A briefing will be held in coordination with Senators Portman and Blumenthal, Co-Chairs of the Senate Caucus to End Human Trafficking; Reps. Ted Poe and Jim Costa, Co-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus for Victims’ Rights and Reps. Jaime Herrera Beutler and Donna F. Edwards, Co-Chairs, and Reps. Kristi Noem and Doris O. Matsui, Vice-Chairs of the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues to discuss the findings and next steps from the National Colloquium on Shelter and Services for Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking Victims.
Hear recommendations from the recently released National Colloquium 2012 Report representing a wealth of perspectives from over 100 provider, survivor, government, advocacy and funding experts on emerging trends and barriers encountered in attempting to secure restorative shelter and services for juvenile sex trafficking victims and survivors. Hear from members of Congress and Congresswoman Linda Smith (U.S. Congress 1995-99), Founder and President, Shared Hope International, together with survivor leaders and individual creating national, state and local level solutions, as we explore the critical challenge of restoring the survivors of juvenile sex trafficking.
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Briefing Agenda:
- Welcome and Purpose | Linda Smith, Shared Hope International
- Remarks from Caucus Chairs and Members
- Summary of National Colloquium Report Recommendations and Nexus to Federal Involvement | Carol Smolenski, ECPAT USA
- Current Impact of TVPA on Shelter and Services for Minors | Dr. Mohamed Mattar, The Protection Project at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
- Panel Discussion: National Colloquium Report Recommendations Moderator: Eliza Reock, Shared Hope International
- Challenges to Measuring Outcomes: Joye Frost, Acting Director, Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Department of Justice
- Lack of Services Tailored for Boys: Marq Taylor, Survivor Advocate
- Challenges to Placement: Dale Alton, Executive Director, Georgia Care Connection Office
- Safety and Security: Dr. Courtney Gaskins, Director of Program Services, Youth For Tomorrow
- Importance of Survivor Empowerment: Wilthelma TiOra Ortiz Walker Pettigrew, Anti-trafficking Advocate, Human Rights Project for Girls and Survivors
This event is open to the public. Seating is limited; please arrive early to guarantee seating.
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