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The CHOSEN Videos
Chosen on Thumb Drive
The Chosen Plus tools that are the mainstay of Prevention education presentations for Ambassadors have received a facelift with updated presentation information, new branding and some added resources. Available ONLY to Ambassadors, we know you’ll be thrilled to not have to rely on DVD players or the internet to present Chosen in your community! Limited supply, so order while they last.
Faith In Action Kit
The Faith in Action kit was developed to empower and equip the church to answer their community’s need to be educated and understand the threat against children nationwide. Galvanizing the church into action will help wage war and win the battle against child sex trafficking, the commercial sale of our own US born children, in our cities, in our states across the nation.
The kit has tools for Youth, Men, Women and Leaders, including USB drives with the Chosen Plus, videos, printed materials, AND specific group discussion guides, a 30-day Prayer Guide, awareness poster, sermon notes and HOW TO instructions to get started.