Take Action. Become a Hero.
Help us defend women and children by fighting sex trafficking and exploitation.
There are 3 main ways you can take action.
You can become more informed, give time, or give money.
Typically, when guys first learn about child sex trafficking, we go through several phases: denial, anger, acceptance, then we take action. We shouldn’t physically hunt down traffickers. We shouldn’t kick down a pimp’s door like in the movies (leave that to trained law enforcement). Instead, we can take action in our own lives, by defending our families and those we love from this global problem.
9 Simple Ways to Take Action
- Become informed about how child trafficking really works in America. Read and Share the book Renting Lacy: A story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith
- Start a Defenders Men’s Group in your area (Faith In Action Kit)
- Follow Shared Hope International and the Defenders to your Facebook or Twitter
- Host a Defenders event and/or speak to your group of friends or community
- Donate to the Defenders and Shared Hope International to protect, defend, and restore
- Host a showing of the new documentary “Chosen” for your family, business, community group, or faith-based organization
- Share the Defenders video with people you know
- Organize Defenders’ to distribute literature near venues promoting domestic minor sex trafficking
- Visit our “Join the Cause” page for more ways to take action
The following is a list of resources for Defenders. Use the materials, videos, articles, and other organizations listed here as tools in your toolbox to fight against the commercial sex industry and to raise awareness. Use these resources to educate, empower, and equip other men. Take action!
Helpful Organizations
Addiction Treatment: What Families Need to Know: According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), addiction affects an estimated 40% of Americans. Addiction is a compulsive reliance on a specific behavior or substance with difficulty controlling oneself. These substances can include alcohol, stimulants, opiates, and other drugs. If your loved one is battling addiction, there is hope. Addiction counseling and therapy can help them learn to break the cycle of abuse and teach them new, healthy coping mechanisms for grief, stress, and other triggers.
BetterDads.net — Author and speaker Rick Johnson founded Better Dads, a fathering skills program, based on the urgent need to empower men to lead and serve in their families and communities. Rick’s books have expanded his ministry to include influencing the whole family, with life-changing insights for men and women on parenting, marriage, and personal growth.
Breaking The Chains Conference Call — This faith-based ministry is a part of Legacy Minded Men, and Breaking the Chains is a program that works to provide anonymous support for those struggling with lust and the objectification of women. This call is held at 8:30pm EST every other Monday night. If you are a person struggling with the use of commercial sex, or other forms of lust, consider attending this anonymous, faith-based, support meeting.
Healing for the Soul — Christian phone counseling for individuals who are struggling with sexual addiction. Healing for the Soul was founded and is led by Jayson Graves. Dr. Graves is a Christian Psychotherapist specializing in Sexual Addictions Recovery and unwanted attractions.
Men Can Stop Rape — An organization of men that are committed to ending violence against women. Men Can Stop Rape educates men on how to live lives of healthy masculinity. They have national and regional trainings, and develop Men of Strength (MOST) clubs at high schools and universities.
Mighty Man Ministries — An organization committed to providing training and resource materials to men to help them stay strong in their commitment of living a life that will build them and their family relationships.
XXXChurch.org — A great resource for men struggling with pornography, sexual addiction, or temptation. This site has additional resources, accountability software, support groups, and more materials, books, and videos about how to overcome porn’s choke-hold on your life.
Jaco Booyens: The Fight to Stop Sex Trafficking – Why we must teach our young men to be Defenders and to do what’s right even if you’re the only one.
“Defending the Chosen” Gordy and John Interview
“Message to Rotarians Video” Ron and Newt Interview
Defenders Vlog: Interview with Founder Vern Smith
“We Need to Talk” (Courtesy of Fight the New Drug)
Pure Desire by Dr. Ted Roberts
The Resolution for Men by Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick, & Randy Alcorn
The Gameplan by Joe Dallas
Every Man’s Battle by Stephen Arterburn & Fred Stoeker
Other Resources
Read Hannah Blair’s Letter to Buyers, posted on LinkedIn.
The Mighty Man Manual by John Snyder. Overcoming sexual addiction. Download PDF sample here.