The Defenders are men who have come to understand the marketplace of commercial sexual exploitation. We are committed to doing everything in our power to stop that exploitation. At the core of our existence is the Defenders Pledge, where we commit our lives to bring dignity, honor, and respect to women and children. Out of that flow our other initiatives that exist to show women that we care, hold other men accountable, and working to end the demand for this destructive market. The question is: Are you a Defender?
The Defenders’ Pledge
Today, I am making a commitment in my life to demonstrate the following before my family and friends:
- I am taking a stand to fight against pornography, prostitution or any form of the commercial sex industry.
I will continually educate and challenge both myself and all those around me about the negative effects of our words and actions toward victims of sexual exploitation.
- I will take immediate action to protect those I love from this destructive market.
Will you take the pledge? Click here.
Defenders in Action
As Defenders, we believe that pornography, prostitution, escort services, and strip clubs all contribute to the commercial sex industry. This market produces an estimated 100,000 exploited victims a year – the majority of which are women and children.
Our goal is to mobilize 100,000 men to stand as Defenders, and commit their hearts, minds and resources to defend exploited women and children.
Sex trafficking is a supply and demand issue. If men would not buy girls for sex, there would be no demand and no supply. We are fighting the root of the issue: demand.
A Defender’s first step is to take a pledge to not purchase or participate in pornography, prostitution or any form of commercial sex. After that, being a Defender is a full-time 24/7 job. You can spread the word about the Defenders, you can take action, and you can give to the Defenders USA and Shared Hope to help restore prostituted women and children.
What will you do? Will you man up? Will you join us?
Defenders' Mission Statement

Our primary goal is to raise awareness and advocacy about the realities of pornography and prostitution. Through the work of Shared Hope, we also offer restoration for victims of sex trafficking, and bring justice to traffickers. We also encourage discussion and empower activists, political leaders, college groups, members of the media, faith-based organizations, and other groups to stand against the sex trafficking market. We defend ourselves, our families, and our communities from sex trafficking and exploitation., by being educated. Take the online training and learn how you can become a voice to end sex trafficking.