Are you passionate about preventing sex trafficking in your community? We invite you to apply to become an Ambassador of Hope and make a difference in your hometown!
Ambassadors are trained volunteers, active in their communities preventing trafficking through education. Whether it is hosting a table at a local event, speaking to students, advocating online for a state bill, or leading a session for parents, Shared Hope equips you with all the training and tools you’ll need to educate your community and prevent sex trafficking.

Ambassadors in Action
- Share tools for preventing child sex trafficking using the provided presentation and videos.
- Present to meetings of civic clubs, churches, schools, universities, or any group that requests awareness information.
- Host gatherings with friends and family to help them understand how to protect juveniles from predators.
- Host a resource table at community events, fairs, clubs, or wherever there is an open door to bring educational materials to an audience.
- Use Shared Hope’s Legislative Action tools to help bring awareness to your state lawmakers.
- Teach your community how to recognize the signs of trafficking and how to effectively respond.
- Respond to requests for a presentation to bring prevention education.
As a first step, invite friends and family to hear you practice your presentation, using the tools provided. You’ll be in front of a friendly audience, and they’ll give you constructive criticism and learn something too!
- We call it the ripple effect. Talk to someone – anyone – and share what you’ve learned. Ask if they know someone who would like to gather friends and learn more.
- Contact your local civic clubs: Soroptimists International, Rotary, Lions, Chamber of Commerce or other regularly scheduled groups that request monthly speakers.
- Talk with your child’s school counselor, teacher, mental health professional, or health class contact. Ask if you can present in one classroom and share the internet safety presentation provided in the AoH portal.
- Public libraries have community programming and are required to provide educational speakers.
- Talk to a high school student about having you present in their class. Our materials fit into anti-bullying, social issues, healthy relationships and online safety classes.
- Ask your faith leaders if you can speak to the youth group about staying safe online or to the adult education class on how they can protect children from predators.

There are over 1,000 Ambassadors serving in their communities. When you complete your training, we will connect you with any Ambassadors who may be in your area or those who share similar interests. We currently have active Ambassadors in 46 states and Washington, D.C.
- Introduction to Shared Hope International
- Shared Hope international Tools and Resources
- Public Presentations
- Mobilizing your Community
- EXPLOITED training
- Access to an Ambassador Resource page on the Shared Hope website with regularly updated tools and resources
- Access to the Ambassadors-only Facebook group to network, exchange ideas and stay informed on breaking news
- Access to a monthly Ambassadors-only newsletter that answers questions, educates and supports the work you do as an Ambassador
No. There are many ways to serve the vision to protect our nation’s children. Public speaking is only one way to carry the message and educate the public on preventing sex trafficking. You may contact the Training Team to receive more information on how you can make a difference. (research projects, phone calling, special projects, support Ambassador speakers at their events, hosting a table)
The minimum age to become an Ambassador of Hope is 16 years old. The Ambassador of Hope training materials contain more in-depth training on Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.
The online training has no fee attached. Ambassadors of Hope are encouraged to purchase a toolkit in order to be fully equipped to raise awareness in their communities. Our cost to provide a toolkit is $89. Click here for more information on toolkit resources: https://sharedhope.org/store/ambassadors-of-hope-toolkit/
Ambassadors pay their own travel costs within their region, print their own materials from their toolkit, and may invest in sample tools, books or resources for their info tables. There are many free tools and resources to download from the Ambassador Resource page, There are also printer files for posters, banners, and business cards which Ambassadors print at their own expense.
Ambassadors of Hope must complete the application and include a letter of recommendation from
- Someone who is not a family member
- Has known you three years or longer
- Can attest to your reliability and character
Once the complete application is received, and references confirmed, training links will be sent via email.
You will have 30 days to complete the training modules. Once training has been completed, you will receive an email welcoming you to the Ambassador of Hope Program as well as information to get started. Purchasing a toolkit is not required to be an Ambassador of Hope, but is highly encouraged due to the effectiveness of the resources included on it to help you spread awareness.
You will also have access to the Ambassadors only resource bulk discounts available at https://sharedhope.org/aoh/ by creating your own account using the email you provide for your Ambassador file. (the automatic password is: changemesoon)It takes 10 business days to activate your access to the site after you are approved as an Ambassador of Hope upon completion of the online training modules.